Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Step 5, Part 1: Extracting Planes from Point Clouds

Now that we were able to reconstruct the scene using the point clouds taken from the Kinect. We need to obtain some crucial information from each point now that the clouds are concatenated.  Some of data needed from the points are the normals of the points, and which cloud each point belongs to. To obtain this, we must break down each cloud into planes. In this case, a plane is a two-dimensional representation of a subset in a point cloud. There is a way to extract the planes from a point cloud using a combination of  built-in PCL classes called SAC Segmentation and Extract Indices. The functions of SAC Segmentation and Extract Indices are to identify the plane present in the point cloud based on the RANSAC parameters and to extract the indices of the plane from the rest of the point cloud.

To hold the necessary data after the extraction of a plane. I created my own data structure called Plane. This data structure holds a vector of points in the plane or planes, the ids of the planes, and the normals of the planes. The vector are correspond to each other based on the indices of the vector. Here is an example of the Clouds before and after the extraction of the planes:

Images of the combined clouds and all of the planes in that cloud

Based on our parameters for the extraction of the planes, there were 17 total planes extracted from the six point clouds. Because the planes were extracted from one point cloud at a time, some of the planes may possibly be the same planes in the combined cloud. To figure this out, we need to extract more data from the planes using a voxel grid.

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